Block Island was amazing. I'm so glad we went during the off season. It was so quiet.
The entire island is only about 11 square miles. There were only a few paved roads, and maybe two dozen shops all clustered in one area, mostly closed for the season.
As the grey sky loomed and the gusty winds blew, it seemed as if the island was stuck in time -- farms with cows, horses, and geese, old hotels with big porches and rocking chairs overlooking the water, dirt roads, cliffs overlooking the ocean that actually didn't have houses on them. Usually a location's natural areas are the only places you can find real, serene, understated beauty. Not so with Block Island. The entire thing was just one picturesque sight after another.
The island is a perfect place for a vacation alone, and I'm not even really a proponent of solo dining or solo moviegoing. Those things are actually quite weird and sad. But Block Island in the off season is the place to be when you want to be alone with your thoughts and relax. It doesn't even require deep contemplation and all that stuff that people talk about but never actually do. You can just be; you don't have to think at all. Only open your eyes, take it in, and remember.
*~Check soon at my Etsy shop for some new photographs from Block Island!~*