Friday, November 21, 2008

Fabricaholics Anonymous

Could it be?! More cat costumes? Oh yes, it very well could be! Purry is here to pimp your pussy with her shop at This little feline hatred-inspiring ensemble is festive for fall, yet stylish for the tacky-conscious kitty. And I love how Purry understands that though a person may buy an outfit for their cat, they will not necessarily get them to wear it for long. This Etsy seller also has another shop at, where you can find a good mix of items, including an awesome painting set of kitties in yoga poses. Cuteness!!! I'll have to suggest that the yoga class at my gym implement the "frontward-facing anus lick" pose.

And in regards to other cuteness, I've finally finished the fish kitty bed. I think it came out awesome! It was tough using a pattern and following directions, as I usually tend to kinda throw things together and do them my own way. Use pins? Baste? What? So say hey for following directions. But not only are the seams attractive, but it's actually attractive to the furries! I put Little Man in it for some pictures, and I couldn't get him to come out. He fell asleep in it for a while once I gave up. It's something I would definitely love to make again if people on Etsy are interested in it. I really lucked out on finding cool fabrics that went together well. I hope I have some more luck. A great excuse to frequent Joanne's like the fabricaholic that I am!

Do you find yourself lost in stacks of fabric in your own home? Can you never pass up a cute remnant, justifying your purchase by saying, "I'll make SOMEthing out of it SOMEday." Do you find an odd sense of comfort and satisfaction in picturing squirrels stashing away nuts for the winter? Then you may just be a fabricaholic. My name is Sarah, and I am a fabricaholic. I'm not yet drowning in fabric, but it has taken over one room of my house. But perhaps that's just because I'm messy and have all my craft supplies stacked everywhere in plastic bags... But I have yards of fabric, curtains, tablecloths, blown-out jeans, scraps...all vying for the attention of me and my Singer 600E, the new love of my life. I think I may even have to write a love poem for it, I heart it so much. I guess I should stack all of my fabric findings around the sewing machine, like a shrine to it. Oh, this will be great! Off to find candles!


gnat said...

Hi! SUCH CUTENESS! I'm impressed with your patience to make a fish bed, mine wouldn't go in one smaller than a queen... but hey.
Thanks for including the turkey hat and a link to kitty yoga! That's so awesome!
You may need to be added to my regular daily blog roster read.

Bridget said...

Your fishy kitty bed is darling ♥

sometimes I feel I should join yarnaholics anonymous, beads beads & more beadsalohics anonymous and papercraftsuppliesaholics anonymous.

Unknown said...

Wow, Sarah, the bed looks GREAT! My old man of a cat won't get inside anything! And if he's not in our bed, he's on the dog's bed (even though it cearly has HER name on it!!)
anyway, good job!
have fun at liberty hall, i think we were too late to get in, maybe we'll come check it out!

atomicliving said...

that is adorable, as jen said not sure we got into the marstons mills sale. We still need to do a craft night, maybe after turkey day.

nolafwug said...

*Raises hand* fellow squirrel here. Right now I am doing it with flavored teas, just collecting and collecting flavors to try. I think it's because it's getting so cold and tea warms me up.

I just love the kitty bed! I love the color scheme and the fabrics look so soft an plush. Does it come in my size? :)

atomicliving said...

see u this saturday in Marstons Mills, we got in only just and now have to scramble to get things made! Arghhhh.